5 things no one tells you about pregnancy


Date: Jun 3, 2019

5 things no one tells you about pregnancy


Sleepless nights start way before the birth, in fact, they start as early in your pregnancy as the first trimester. It’s not just waking up to pee, or forage for a snack – yep the hunger is real, I had to have banana’s or naked bars by my bed from around 8-12 weeks. But also your hormones are reaching crazy levels and it leads to mad insomnia!


You worry the whole 10 months (yep that’s right you are actually pregnant for 10, not 9 ha!) You find out you are pregnant but then if you get symptoms you worry and if you don’t get symptoms you worry. Having miscarried before I felt vulnerable and couldn’t allow myself to get excited. (1 in 4 pregnancies sadly end in miscarriage yet no one really talks about how common it is to suffer a loss). This worry continue’s throughout pregnancy… “am I doing too much?’’, “Is this normal”? You will get pains and cramps as everything is stretching and growing but you won’t necessarily know to expect it. You will find yourself out for dinner and frantically googling “is it ok for me to eat this” – some things will surprise you – who knew that you couldn’t have a Mr Whippy from the ice cream man?!!


The glamour ha… No one prepares you for the sexy side effects of pregnancy… The oh-so-gassy first trimester! The leaky second trimester – yep you may sneeze and pee your pants slightly and this is before giving birth! Your skin will go dry.. I have had a dry patch on my face since I found out I was pregnant… It’s not only your face either – your nipples will most likely crack up too! You lucky thing! Seriously, pregnancy glow feels like a bit of a myth to me!


The bloat! This happened to me most in the first trimester and early in the 2nd. You wake up with a small bump and go to bed with a bump that feels ready to explode and makes you look 6 months pregnant. It’s crazy to witness – it’s unexplained – it’s totally normal!


You will feel scared, anxious and lonely in your thoughts at times – For me, I am a ‘fixer’ I sort everyone else’s problems out and I put their emotions first. I am independent and try to deal with everything by myself. I have a full-time job which I love – I work for ‘The Devils Horsemen – one of the largest horse and carriage suppliers to the tv and film industry – it is full on at times, managing the accounts of several movies and tv shows that we are filming daily. So, you can imagine, very little time to focus on me. It’s only now that I am 6 months and know how busy I am in the next few weeks that I realise how underprepared, overwhelmed and scared I am at the thought of not being “totally in control”. So I need to address that – I need to feel ready and calm. I ordered two books today on Amazon “The Book You wish your parents had read (and your children will be glad you did” and “Your baby week by week guide”. I will let you know what I think. One of the best things I did was when I found out I was pregnant I joined a facebook group with 60 other ladies all due in September. I can’t tell you how amazing these ladies are and all so supportive of one another. You can share your concerns or ask “if this is normal” and offload about relationships or hormones. As amazing as my other half is it is easy for men to switch off to pregnancy until the final couple of weeks as they are not feeling the changes or getting a daily reminder. So it’s nice to feel you are not alone.


Please comment below if you have any pre or postnatal books you recommend or if you would be interested in a mamas-to-be support group… One that I’m sure will make the impending night feeds feel slightly less overwhelming.

Thanks so much for reading! You can check out my previous post HERE.

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